Tuesday, March 22, 2011

307 Southbound

Artkore Tattoo - Bloomington/Normal

Got in and went to Jeremy's house to work on some paintings and go through his mountains of cool reference


P.Crumpler - cleaning tubes as a fashion statement 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Harrison's Tummy Tat


 A few hours in - still need to put a locomotive with a mountain background in the middle of the frame.
This dude makes rad tattoos as well - check out Harrison Henschel and the good people over at the Bridgeport Tattoo co.

Welcome to Bravetown

 Check out the blog: Kemosabe and The Lodge

Some pictures from the party on the 26th!
Jason Hoodrich giving away his first hand poke to Rob
Brian tattin' Harrison - looks like he's throwing a dart..

Some newer stuff

 Tattooing Alex Strangler - Check out her stuff - she got the rabbit below

Ol' Bussy got a Rollo wizard loungin'
Lil' odds n ends Rollo skull

First post : Tattoos I've made over the years...